The Name "Blood Stone" derived from Greek word meaning "sun turning." It is due to the belief that, if to put this gem in the water, it could change the reflection of the Sun to blood-red. Pliny states that this gemstone might predict the solar eclipse. Our ancestors knew this stone under the name "Heliotrope."

Chemically, Bloodstone is the green variety of Quartz. But it has been classified as plasma and considered a green variety of Chalcedony or Jasper. Bloodstone is special thanks to the presence of red drops on its surface. These inclusions are similar to the drops of blood, whence its modern name. There is a myth that these drops of blood appeared at the Crucifixion of Jesus. As a result, too many legends about the origin of this gem. However, the red spots on its surface are, in fact, an oxide of iron.

The ancient Egyptians used Bloodstone as a material for the production of small vases, statues, and cups. They used one big specimen of Bloodstone to create a bust of Jesus Christ. Thus, the red spots on its surface shined as the drops of blood.

Healing & Magical properties attributed to Bloodstone

In the Middle Ages, there was a belief that Bloodstone may cure dyspepsia and be a remedy to get rid of tumors. The powder, made of Bloodstone has been mixed with the honey and used orally. People also used this gemstone to stop bleeding.

The ancients also noted a magical significance of Bloodstone. They asserted that this gem capable of making its wearer invisible if to drink a juice containing its powder. Moreover, the ancient oracles used Bloodstone to cause the rain. Also during the Byzantine and Renaissance periods, people wore this stone as a mascot. As a confirmation, numerous intaglios found during the excavations.


The principal deposits of Bloodstone are located in India, Australia, Brazil and also in Russia (in Siberia). There are its mines in Europe, principally in Scotland as well.


Bloodstone is on the contemporary charts as an alternative Birthstone for people born in March. As the Birthstone, this gem symbolizes wisdom and courage, according to Julius Wodiska and other authors.