Nature presents us Pearls as it is in its shape. The rest of gems pass the process of cutting and polishing before we see them. Pearl is a gift of nature that man can’t perfect. For centuries, Pearls were a subject of speculations and discussions on the issue of its supernatural properties.

Pearls in The Ancient Treatises

We can find the first mentions of Pearls in Atharvaveda dated about 1200 BC - 1000 BC. Here we discover that Hindus used this gem as a mascot. This amulet signified prosperity of young Brahmanical adherents. Ancient Taoists have used Pearls in the process of preparing of a sacred elixir capable of extending their life.

In Chinese and Japanese mythology we can learn a myth about the Dragon and Pearls. The story has it that Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria made an attempt to decrypt this legend. Later, he explained the sense of the meaning of the myth.

A poor man lived not far from Ho river. He provided his family by weaving rushes. His son managed to find a Pearl of incredible value while diving. The father said "Break this gem into pieces. It seems that you found this Pearl in a pool nine khung deep and under the chin of the black dragon. You managed to obtain this Pearl as you found the dragon asleep. If this being awake, you will face the unfortunate circumstances." There are many interpretations of this tale. But no one managed to figure out its real moral.

Middle Ages

In the Medieval era, Pearls were famous as well. The brave knights fought in tournaments. This one who managed to win presented a Pearl to his lady. Therefore, this gem was a symbol of victory and romance. Rabanus Maurus Magnentius said, “the pearl, in its mystical significance, is a symbol of the hope of the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Christian Era

In the Handbook of Christian Symbolism published in London in 1865, we can find a string: “Pearl signifies purity, innocence, humility, and a retiring spirit.” Margaret, a name that widespread in Europe derived from Greek “a pearl or child of light.” This word came, in turn, from Persian “Murwari.” Early Christians borrowed this term and transformed it into "Mary," later, "Holy Mary." That is the answer why a Pearl symbolizes innocence, purity, sweetness, and virginity.

Pearls and Marriage

Since a Pearl is a symbol of purity, this gemstone suits as a wedding gift. Even in the Vedas, we can meet a mention how Krishna presented his daughter a gift in the form of a string of pearls on her wedding day. Subsequently, Medieval Royal and wealthy European families borrowed this custom.

There is a curious story about Empress Eugenie of France. When she was preparing for a wedding ceremony in Notre Dame in 1853, her attendant warned her of the omen. He said that it is not a good idea to wear her pearl necklace on that occasion. She rejected this wise advice. As a result, we know that her life has been one long tragedy.

But we'd like to advise all the young women don't take this fact seriously. According to this legend, her chain contained too many Pearls. So, it's better to accept such a wonderful gift during the wedding ceremony.