What is the birthstone for Gemini? There are, in fact, three Birthstones appropriate for this sign of the Zodiac, Pearl, Alexandrite, and Moonstone. But some sources claim that Emerald is also suitable for Gemini.

May 21st to June 20th. Culture, Emerald, Calming.

Who are Gemini personalities?

The primary symbol of Gemini is Culture that is, perfection, friendship, and elegance of expression. Mercury is most closely connected to Gemini. The color force of Gemini is an emerald green, whence its correlation with Emerald. Its effect is calming. Its period of power is from May 21st to June 20th.

This nature has as its primary features the range of friendship, and of expression. This sign emphasizes kindness and benevolence. You may meet people born under this sign in political life and court. This individual, as a rule, to be lawyers or prefer working in the government due to the influence of Aries and Libra. Perhaps no other sign has such a wide range of choice and activity in professional tendencies.

Gemini is, as a rule, fortunate in its marriage choice, and is not subject to the negative influence of its marriage partner. This sign possesses a talent in the formulation of ideas. It is endowed hereditarily. Among them, there are powerful politicians and lawyers.

This personality loves freedom and grants it to others. Gemini is often radical, they try to avoid dogmatic ideas, and craves independent thought as well as natural rules of action.

Women are mostly tender and attentive mothers. But they frequently possess bad health. Thus, they should have the highest attention in every manner of right living.

People born under this sign prefer science and of the extensive studies. They possess an ability to teach, to practice medicine, and to understand plant as well as animal life. Their qualities are a well governed, determined and brave will. They also distinguished by the inclination toward the occult in personal life and an interest in neurology. Gemini possesses a natural ability to grasp symbolism and synchronism and to learn the secrets of nature.